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Teacher of Computer Studies in Shiplake, Henley-on-Thames, OxfordshireTeacher of Computer Studies in Shiplake, Henley-on-Thames, OxfordshireTeaching Assistant in Exeter, DevonTeaching Assistant in Exeter, DevonCleaner in Exeter, DevonSecond in Mathematics Faculty in Birmingham, West MidlandsKey Stage 3 Coordinator in Science in Birmingham, West MidlandsBusiness Studies & Computing Teacher in Birmingham, West MidlandsPersonal Assistant (PA) to Assistant Headteacher (Student Progress) in Henley-on-Thames, OxfordshireTeaching Assistant in Exeter, DevonAssistant Subject Leader for Mathematics in Henley-on-Thames, OxfordshireAssistant Subject Leader for Mathematics in Henley-on-Thames, OxfordshireCCF Contingent Commander in Shiplake, Henley-on-Thames, OxfordshireCCF Contingent Commander in Shiplake, Henley-on-Thames, OxfordshireTeacher of Mathematics with opportunity for Assistant Subject Leader (TLR 2A) in Henley-on-Thames, OxfordshireMealtime Assistant in Exeter, DevonTeacher of English in Holton, Oxford, OxfordshireICT/SENIOR ICT TECHNICIAN in Ledbury, HerefordshireTeacher of Science in Cirencester, Gloucestershire, United KingdomSixth Form Administrator and Receptionist in Holton, Oxford, Oxfordshire